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▶▶세미나4-정보통신대학원 세미나 2022년 1학기




 Discovering log templates for log analytics


탁병철 교수


(Kyungpook National University)




Modern IT systems rely heavily on log analytics for critical operational tasks. Log template discovery is the first step

in such log analytics. A log template serves as a base string with unfilled parts from which logs are generated during
runtime by substitution of contextual information. The problem of log template discovery from the volume of collected
logs poses a challenge due to the semi-structured nature of the logs and the computational overheads.
In this talk, a new log template discovery technique will be presented that takes different approaches than the existing ones.
Then, we will also discuss a few interesting log analytics applications in the area of log-based root cause discovery problems that uses the log template information.

*일시 04월 08일 (금), 16시~

* 장소 NTH412호 (강사님께서 직접 오셔서 강의해주십니다.)

*ZOOM https://handong.zoom.us/j/86244954271

*회의ID 862 4495 4271

*문의 4단계 BK21 AI사업단 (260-3150)

[대학원] 세미나(4월 8일, 탁병철 교수)-Discovering log templates for log analytics