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▶▶세미나3-정보통신대학원 세미나 2022년 1학기




 Source code differencing


김진대 교수


(Seoul National University of Science and Technology)




Source Code Differencing: Identifying Changes and Its Limitations

Source Code Differencing (SCD) techniques have been widely used in both academia and industry. We can easily recognize changed parts of code with the support of SCD tools integrated with version control systems. Many researchers also use these tools to identify changes to analyze development activities and recognize patterns, or even develop new techniques based on the results.

In this talk, we will discuss basic concepts and techniques to identify changes from two versions of source code. Topics include how to convert source code into other representations for comparison, techniques to identify differences from such representations, and what are the advantages and limitations of such techniques. 

*일시 04월 01일 (금), 16시~

*ZOOM https://handong.zoom.us/j/86244954271

*회의ID 862 4495 4271

*문의 4단계 BK21 AI사업단 (260-3150)

[대학원] 세미나(4월 01일, 김진대 교수)-Source code differencing