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▶▶세미나1-정보통신대학원 세미나 2021년 2학기

Promising Collaboration with Neuroscience and Computer Science: Neuro-Information Processing Underlying Reinforcement Learning

홍사익 교수 (한동대 정보통신연구소)

Recently, neuroscience and computer science drive each other forwards. However, there are still many gaps in understanding the two disciplines and this hinders better academic achievement. Here, this seminar will elucidate 1) behavioral tasks for reinforcement learning, 2) brain circuits related to model-based and mode-free reinforcement learnings, and 3) application of computer science to neuroscience. Reinforcement learning aims to increase or reduce the rate of an agent’s action based on the reward or punishment received from an environment. Effort-based reward delivery shapes goal-directed behavior with flexible action strategy, whereas time-based reward delivery forms habit with fixed action selection. Maladaptive and uncontrollable habits are the hallmark of mental disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorders and addiction. A cortico-striatopallidal-thalamocortical loop is the key brain circuit for reinforcement learning. Especially, basal ganglia harboring inhibitory striatopallidal circuits and star-shaped astrocytes codifies action policy. Interestingly, temporal dynamics of astrocytes in the basal ganglia are silenced during habit learning. In addition, manipulation of astrocytes in the basal ganglia restores model-based performances after model-free reinforcement learning. Moreover, computer neuroscientific approaches, such as support vector machine and tensor component analysis, support the promising roles of astrocytes in reinforcement learning and provide insight into a potential therapeutic target for mental disorders.


*일시 9월 8일 (수), 13시

강의실 NTH412호

회의 ID 862 4495 4271

문의 4단계 BK21 AI사업단 (260-3150)

[대학원] 세미나(9월 8일, 홍사익 교수님)- Promising Collaboration with Neuroscience and Computer Science: Neuro-Information Processing Underlying Reinforcement Learn