* 본 강의는 영어로 진행됩니다.


[Notice] Seminar for Character Animation – April 26

On the next Monday, April 26, there will be a seminar for character animation. The presentation will be given by Kyungmin Cho, Ph.D. candidate in Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST. The topic of his presentation is “The future of video game animation”. The talk will give basic ideas on state-of-the-art technology for video game animation and deal with the use of deep learning and reinforcement learning in character animation.

The seminar will be given in English and you may attend the seminar online or offline. If possible, however, I recommend you to attend the offline class. I think that the seminar will be interesting and it is really free for you to bring others to the class for this seminar if there are any who are interested.




  1. 강사 : 조경민 연구원 (KAIST 박사과정)


  1. 강의주제 : The future of video game animation


  1. 일시: 2021년 4월 26일(월) 오후 2시 30분 ~3시45분


  1. 참여방법 : 오프라인 수업: NTH 311

온라인 줌 링크: 히즈넷 공지 참고

  1. 소감문제출 방법 : 링크 접속 후 제출 (히즈넷 공지 참고)


* 온라인 참석 학생들은 강의 시청 후 4.29(목) 밤12시까지 반드시 소감문을 제출하셔야 합니다.

(미제출시 마일리지 적립 불가 / 공프기 및 캡스톤 수강생 필참강의 아님 )



☎ 문의 : SW중심대학 지원사업단 김선영 (T.260-1492, E-Mail : http://pooh8276@handong.edu)


[SW중심대] 조경민 연구원 특강 안내